Tuesday, January 28, 2025

First Day of School 2025

And just like that- we have a big 5th grader!  Clay was very excited to go back to school today- to see his friends and see who his new teacher would be :) Well...he had a great first day! He said he really likes his new teacher - that she is very nice :)

Monday, January 27, 2025

Australia Day 2025

We headed to the beach for "The Great Australian Bite" Australia Day celebrations.  There were great bands playing all afternoon on the main stage, a bubble blower, prawn peeling competitions, markets and even a silent disco.  We met up with Larissa and Charlotte - found a shady spot and settled in to enjoy the entertainment :) Clay absolutely loved the silent disco- they even had vests on were you could feel the rhythm- so cool! Even though it was stinking hot, we all had a wonderful afternoon and finished the day off with a swim when we got home.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

School Holidays - Week 7

Monday Craig and I both had a RDO, so we headed to Hervey Bay for a day of fun :)

Tuesday was a quiet day at home - reading, swimming and playing games.

Wednesday tjey popped into the shopping centre to do the summer activity - colouring in a beach ball.  Then they made delicious scones in the afternoon.

Thursday they spent the day at Nanny's.  Friday they caught the bus to the beach to go body boarding with Poppy again, but the water was too choppy and dirty, so decided to just have lunch and a play in the playground. Clay did get to have a swim once Tabs & Torrie got home.

Saturday Craig worked and Tabs & Torrie ran errands, so Clay and I chilled at home.  We built lego and played board games.  We were so excited to find that the ocean lego set we got at the op shop was nearly complete! There is only a shark and a crate missing - I have already ordered them online :)

Today we had a slow start to the morning with pancakes for breakfast and then headed to the shops to buy Clay's new school shoes. It was raining and we weren't sure about our Australia Day plans, but luckily it cleared up after lunch and we headed to the beach for the celebrations.  We had a lovely swim when we got home :)

Friday, January 24, 2025

Everyday Moments

Craig finally got his wolf tattoo!  He had been researching for a new tattoo artist since the last one retired and found one that does that type of style he wanted, so he booked her first available appt for Jan and waited impatiently for 4 months LOL It was over 5 hours of work and a LOT of shading which he hasn't had done before, so was very sore afterwards.  He is absolutely thrilled with how it turned out and already talking about getting the next one LOL

Kristy is selling my 3D printed Cricut stuff and wanted to make stickers to label them, so I started working on a logo design.  I got a basic design made and Kristy was wonderful enough to tweak it and this is the final result- I love it!
I found Cricut cuties on ebay and couldn't resist ordering a pink one! 

I brought some tools for building Lego :)

I decided to pull my Lego set apart and build one of the other designs.  I usually just build the one design and leave it, but decided to build the other 2 designs this time.

Craig brought me a Hedwig vinyl pip to add to my HP collection :)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thrifty Thursday

Clay and I went to some op shops Saturday morning after the Bunnings DIY.

At the first shop Clay found a Batmobile $3.

I found a basket of stamps!  These are the ones brought-  3x aquare pocket sets $5 each, Christmas and Australian sets $2 each.

We found nothing at the 2nd shop, so continued to the next shop.  We found 2x books for Torrie $2 &$1 and 1x book for Clay $1.

Clay found this cool carrier with cars $6

A new toy for Maverick $1 - let's see if it lasts longer than an actual dog toy LOL

Snack box for Torrie $1

At the last shop Clay found this Pokemon set - It didn't have figurines, but he has a few at home - $10

Flamingo wind chimes $2

Large bowl $2 - this will look cute for storage in my scraproom :)

Monday we popped into an op shop in Hervey Bay.
Clay found a Wimpy Kid book - he already has this one, but it's a bit dog-eared so we are replacing it - $3.

I found this bag of Lego for $7 - there was an unopened bag in the packet an the 3 instruction booklets - so I decided to risk it LOL

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cricut Creations - Engagment Party Mirror

First Cricut creation for 2025! I was asked to make a sticker on a mirror for an engagement party.  They gave me a rough sketch of what they wanted and I did a few drafts to get exactly what they wanted.  They dropped the mirror off and I cut and added the stickers.  It's hard to photograph a mirror, but I think it turned out perfectly! 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Mini Golf and Pinball Arcade

Craig and I both had a RDO today  so decided to have a family fun day and head to Hervey Bay!  We started off with mini golf :)  it was a great mini course- 18 holes and lots of fun! Craig beat me by 1 shot LOL

We headed down to the pier for lunch, then a walk out along the pier.

We spotted a pinball arcade, so headed there for Craig to relive his youth LOL

From there we popped into an op shop for a look and then had ice creams before heading home.  A very busy, but fun filled day together :)