Baffle Creek - Boat ramp at the caravan park

Flying fox colonies on the opposite bank on the creek

Rhules Beach

There was lots of lovely wildlife around the park - kangaroos, birds, wallabies, etc.

Saturday morning we went for a wander around the local markets. Mum managed to run into 3 people she knew and hadn't seen in over 10 years - how crazy! After some more napping and reading, we popped in to visit some friends for the arvo.
Craig had to work, so he was going to bring the boat up on Sunday for 2 days fishing. Unfortunately it started raining on Saturday night and was still drizzling on Sunday morning, so we decided to pack up and head home. After I got home, Craig & I went out to lunch with friends to catch up and meet their new babies :) Lots of cuddles and chatting! There was 3 1/2 weeks between the babies, but boy there was a big difference in size!! Craig with Emily (Donna's baby) and Jeanie with Boston (Nakia's baby) - clucky ducks!! LOL

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