After lunch we headed to the Marquee to watch the "Marriage Match" gameshow - hilarious!! Iwent to quilling class. We went to the Marquee to watch "Let me Entertain You" gameshow (the one I went in last cruise), then off to dinner in the formal dining room. Cocktails and karaoke in the Orient bar before heading to the Atrium to watch the champagne waterwall, then off to the Dome to watch the Sit Down Comedy Club with Mike Harris.
This sweet guy was waiting on the bedside cupboard when we got back tto our room :)
Day 9 - A very busy last day at see! Breakfast and then off to the Marquee to see the Culinary deomstration with the head chef and maitre de.
After the deomstraion we went on a tour of the galley
Lunch, then off to the Marquee to meet the Pacific perforrmers and have a tour of backstage. This was the first time we had done both the galley tour and backstage tour.
We then watched the "Celebrity Heads" gameshow. After that Craig nand Trish stayed to play jackpot bingo and I headed off to a quilling class. A few gorgeous sunset photos and photos of us at different places around the boat, before heading off to dinner in the formal dining room.
After dinner we went to see the Popstars finale in the Marquee, then off to see Live @ Charlies - an informal jam session with crew memebers in the Atrium.
Day 10 - We were up early and did some last minute packing. Breakfast in the final dining room and then waited to disenbark. We caught the shuttle bus back to portside parking and picked up our car. From there we drove to DFO and waited for Becca and the kids to arrive. Bec & the kids were in Brisbane for the week - so it was perfect timing for us to catch up :) We had coffee, talked non-stop, spent time with the kids and did lots of shopping, beofe hopping in the car and heading hom.

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