Monday, October 8, 2018

Everyday Moments

Craig and I had a lunch date at Lonestar (new fave place) while waiting for our new tyres.

My desert rose has bloomed - branches look a bit sad and bare though. 

Clay all dressed and looking spunky ready for daycare photos :)

The weather has been warm and sunny lately so we headed to the beach for a play in the park, then a swim.  It was a bit too cold to swim, but Clay enjoyed splashing in the water.

Bec and Bella stayed overnight on their way through to the Gold Coast for holidays.  Bec went to outrigging training early in the morning, so the kids and I chilled and played.

Flowers AND chocolates for my wedding anniversary- spoilt!

Lunch out to celebrate Kate's birthday.

Sunday brunch and a long overdue catch up with Cathie and Kylie!

Then an afternnon at the beach with Craig's family for aBBQ.

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