Sunday, May 26, 2024

Everyday Moments

We were ready early one morning so Clay decided to drive his RC on the front driveway before school.

I couldn't resist popping this HP lego set into a recent Kmart order :)

We headed to the beach for fish & chips for a belated Mother's Day lunch with Nanny last weekend. Then went to try out a new ice cream shop.

This bird is so cheeky LOL

Clay saw a YouTube video about painting squishies- so decided to paint the kit he got for Easter.  He even mixed his own custom colours :)

Yesterday Clay spent the day at Nanny's with Darcie - they baked cupcakes and made chocolate crackles.

This morning Clay decided he wanted to try making loom bands.  I have a cupboard in my scraproom with kits and craft supplies just for Clay- so he popped down amd grabbed some supplies and watched some videos.

I spotted this gorgeous beetle on the verandah this morning.

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