Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day 2020

We celebrated another crazy, fun filled Christmas day!  We woke up just after 6am to Clay calling out "It's Christmas!" LOL  We found that all the goodies we had left out had been eaten and a sack of gifts had been left by Clay's tree :)  We popped back into our bed and went through the sack looking at Santa's presents.


Ma Ma and everyone was running late so we opened a few presents while we waited - there was one excited little boy to find a much requested Nintendo under the tree ;)  That distracted him until everyone arrived LOL

Everyone arrived and all the presents were opened.  Clay and I loved our karaoke microphones - let the karaoke battles begin! LOL

It started to sprinkle rain so we moved our BBQ breakfast into the carport, but luckily it cleared up enough for us to enjoy a swim afterwards.

Nanny and Poppy arrived about 30 mins after Mum and everyone left, so we opened some more presents and chilled for a few hours before the rest of the family arrived for more presents, dinner & drinks and a swim. Dinner was cold meat, seafood and salad followed by yummy desserts.  

Our Christmas day celebrations were relaxed and fun filled and we had a wonderful time celebrating with our families.  Clay went to bed exhuasted and happy LOL

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