Saturday, June 8, 2024

Clay Earrings - Part 1

I brought this clay earrings kit at Kmart for $4, plus some cutters and earring components. I then found another one at Coles for $5.  Lindalee asked me to have a craft day with her and I thought this would be a great start :)

My lovely friend Molly lent me some texture stamps and rollers to use. I Invited Tabs to join us too, so this morning I set up the clay, cutters / texture rollers and tools. Unfortunately Lindalee was sick, but Tabs and I spent the morning creating.  I remembered I had a pasta maker I had  brought to make pasta, so we got that out of the cupboard to use too LOL

My creations -

Tabs creations - 

Earrings baked and ready to assemble!  Tabs and I are going to have another craft day to make the earrings up.

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