Sunday, June 30, 2024

School Holidays- Week 1

Clay has had a busy 1st week of school holidays!  We started off with a quiet day at home Saturday,  but celebrated with pancakes and icecream fir afternoon tea :)

Sunday was a schools friend's birthday party at the bowling alley.  It was Adam's birthday and him and the girls were there - so we spent the morning catching up with them and a few games of pool.

Monday was Craig's RDO, so after the boys dropped the car off for a service they walked dowdown for a look around to kill some time.  After they picked the car up they headed to the beach for lunch and ice cream.

Tuesday Clay and Nanny headed to the library to see Deano Zippedee- ebtertainer & author.  Clay thought enjoyed the show and brought a book, which Deano autographed for him.

Wednesday was chiller day at home.

Thursday Clay and Nanny headed to the art gallery for a mixed media workshop and to see the exhibitions.

Friday Clay went with DEAFinitely Connected to do tie dying activity at the shopping centre and then spent the afternoon at the macadamia farm.  Saturday was a quiet day at home while Craig worked.

This morning we went to Bunnings so Clay could paint a pot plant lighthouse and then Clay and I went to a Brick Event at the multiplex (so many pics - will do a separate post).

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