Sunday, July 21, 2024

Card Camp

We've had a lovely 3 days of card camp with Kristy!! She travelled up Friday and managed to sneak in a quick nanna nap before I got home from work LOL  She gave me my bday presents - a Cricut cutie (it doesn't show it in the pic, but it is actaully a pretty peacock colour), a handmade crochet Cricut cutie that she ordered off someone she knows and this gorgeous flamingo bag which she found at the op shops (she is not a huge op shopper, so this was an exciting present!) - love them all! After dinner we headed straight to the scraproom to start creating :)

Saturday morning Kristy and I ducked out to Spotlight - she has brought a printing machine that prints on ribbon and was hopping for some more supplies, but no luck :( Clay and I made cupcakes with the cutest flamingo sprinkles for afternoon tea! Beth came to spend the day with us and even brought her piggies for a play date LOL Betb and Clay spent the afternoon playing Animal Crossing.  She headed home after dinner.

Sunday we chilled and had bacon & eggs for breakfast before Kristy packed up and headed home.  

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