Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Everyday Moments

Craig and Spikey chilling at home on his RDO LOL

Clay had his annual hearing test- unfortunately there has been a small further loss in his right ear :(  It's been 4 years since his first pair, so he was due get new hearing aids and he picked a really pretty aqua blue set.

Nat from work 3D printed Clay a water dragon and he was so excited!  We've been talking about buying a 3D printer - so there has been lots of talk about where to set it up and what to print.

Clay was also due for his 6 monthly ENT appointment  -  the Dr couldn't explain the cause of hearing loss, but a positive is he didn't need any more grommets / surgery for now :)

Monday I had an RDO - so Craig and I had lunch together,  ran a few errands and I popped into 2x op shops :)

Tabs & Torrie spent a week in Adelaide for the school holidays and brought me a present home - a nutcracker!!!

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