Sunday, August 18, 2024

GC Trip - Pacific Airshow & Surfers Paradise

Saturday morning we were up at 5am and on the tram by 6.30am!

Aunty Kissy winning points by getting Clay a slurpee at 7am LOL

We waited in line till the gates opened at 9.30am, then headed onto the beach to get set up and ready for a day of action!

Lots of fun things to see and do on the boardwalk.

Back to our seats ready for the show to start! Usually I take the photos  but Craig had the camera to take his pictures :)

Kristy saw an idea for using a sled under the trolley to make it easier to use on the sand.  We channelled our inner McGyver with zip ties and rope and got it attached.  Craig said it was much easier to pull along - winner!

We learnt from last year and did not rush to catch a tram home straight after the airshow (3 hr wait last year) - instead we wandered around Cavill Ave looking at the street entertainers, checked out the displays at Ripley's museum and popped onto a few shops.

There was DJ playing at the boardwalk with pyrotechnics.

We had dinner at Wahlburgers - pretty delcious.

After dinner we headed to the tram station and the line up had cleared, so we finally headed home after 12 long hours!  It was a long day  but we all had a wonderful time and are looking forward to next year's airshow!

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