Saturday, October 31, 2020


Clay was super excited to go trick or treating tonight!  He pulled all of his costumes out of the dress up box first thing this morning, but didn't want to wear any of them, so we popped into Kmart and he chose a doctor costume (he already had the doctor bag).  He said he wanted to be a scary (zombie) doctor, but when we went to buy the face paint he changed his mind LOL  This was our first time trick or treating (Craig and I aren't big fans of Halloween, but it appears Clay LOVES it LOL), so we were just going to pop over to Molly's to see her house and trick or treat there, but Clay wasn't scared of the decorations, so we decided to drive around and visit a few more houses (we had a list of houses off FB).  Clay had an absolute ball- he loved seeing all the other kids in costume and wasn't scared of the spooky decorations at all.  We finished off the night in mum's suburb, so dropped in to show her his costume (and lolly stash).  We had one very happy little boy who has informed us that next year we are decorating our house lol

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