Monday, September 2, 2024

A Busy Weekend

Friday was a student free day - so Craig and Clay decided to go fishing :) They didn't catch anything and lost a bit of tackle, but still had a good morning out together.  They also had lunch at our fave pub :)

Saturday morning we headed to Bunnings so Clay could do a Father's day workshop - he decorated this cool snacklebox for Craig :)

Afterwards we went to Chinese lunch with dad yo celebrate Father's day together.

Saturday night we headed to Sandy Hook boat club to hear live music from Mark Lavender, by the river.  Tabs and Torrie joined us and mum met us there - it was a great night out and we are looking forward to the next one.

Sunday was Father's day - Craig had a sleep in and then opened his presents.  We had a chilled out day at home - only popping out to grab some lunch.

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