Saturday, October 2, 2021

School Holidays - Week 2

Overcast weather and no activities, meant a quiet week at home.  There was some scones baked on Monday.  Tuesday was more playing with the train sets, playing o  the Wii, watching movies and chilling.

Wednesday Nanny, Clay amd Ryley caught a bus down to the beach and had fish & chips for lunch with Poppy, Brett amd Brodie.  They went for a walk along the beach and had a quick splash in the water. Brodie came back home so her and Clay spent the afternoon together - jumping on the trampoline and playing the Wii. 

Thursday there was drawing on the tablet, then Ryley came over for the afternoon - playing the Wii, jumping on the trampoline and playing together :)

Today we popped into 2 op shops before heading to the shops to buy our groceries for camping.  Clay spotted this big Boost juice costume and thought it was hilarious- he was so distracted by it, he started walking off after it and I had to call him back lol

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