Sunday, August 9, 2020

Everyday Moments

We are slowly making our lives / home more greener / plastic free -recently I got some great plastic alternatives from Aldi and the produce bags from the discount store.

We've had some amazing full moons recently, unfortunately it's hard to capture them on my camera.

Love the street art around town!  I keep finding new ones and make sure I snap a photo of them.  I think I will need to do a few fun photo shoots with some.

The giant kookaburra stooped in a Clay's school a few weeks ago.  I'm so glad his school takes photos and shares them.

Clay had a trip to the dentist - he was rock star as usual.

Clay has been impatiently waiting for the weather to warn up so he can finally have a swim in the pool.  Craig was waiting for him to "accidentally " fall in LOL

I had coffee and a catch up with Kylie and Cathie yesterday- it was lovely to spend some time chatting with them.

Katie, James and the boys were in town overnight, so we headed to the park today so the kids could have a play together.

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