Saturday, November 28, 2020

Mini Vacay - Day 3 - IKEA & Carnival

Yesterday morning Kristy had an appointment, so we headed back to the shopping centre for Clay to have another play on the splash park while we waited.

From there we headed to Hyperdome to catch up with an old school friend, did some shopping in Daiso and then on to Clay's favourite shop and request - IKEA!  We had lunch and then shopped up a storm!  After that we popped into an op shop on the way home (will do a Thrifty Thursday post). 

After our shopping - we headed home for a rest before going out for a surprise adventure for Clay.....a carnival / show!  It was his first show and he was just so excited when he realised what we were doing! He was ecstatic - running around hugging and kissing us all and doing a happy dance :) First ride was the ferrris wheel - something Clay had always asked to do!  Kristy and Craig were just happy to get their dogwood dogs LOL  Clay went on a variety of rides by himself or with Craig / I, played some games in sideshow alley and ate hot chippies - he had the full show experience!

A very tired, but happy boy crashed into bed that night :)

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