Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Clay's Surgery

So Monday was THE day...Clay's cataract surgery on both eyes!  We got up early so he could have breakfast before he started fasting at 7am, then headed into Brisbane and got to the hospital just after 10am ready for pre-admission check in at 11am.  We saw the nurse to do some final checks and discuss the surgery.  Clay handled the whole process without any fuss or tears (except for the fasting part- did complain a few times about being hungry). His surgery wasn't till 1pm, so he did some crafting activities they had set up and had a play with the other kids waiting for surgeries.  

Clay asked me to to go with him into pre-op, so I gowned up :)

We went into the pre-op room and he was put under general anaesthetic.  The staff couldn't believe how calm he was.  Once he was asleep I admit I was a blubbering mess.

Craig and I headed to the parent's lounge to impatiently wait for the call that Clay was finished and in recovery.  He was in surgery for nearly 4 hours then we got the call he was in recovery!

Clay woke up very confused and in a bit of pain, but managed to have something to eat and drink so he could be discharged.  We headed back to the hotel juat after 7pm - 10 hours at the hospital was a long day!  We had pizza delivered and Clay ate some and then crashed out and had a good night's sleep.

The next morning he woke up in good spirits and we headed to the hospital for his post op appointment.  They took the dressings off and he refused to open his eyes (stitches on his eyes were rubbing and hurting him, plus his pupils were still dilated so he was light sensitive).  The surgeon got a quick look at his eyes and said it looked good and we could go home.

We headed straight home, poor Clay was very tired, sore and emotional- he just wanted to be home and was still refusing to open his eyes.  He slept a few times in the car and then had a big sleep once we got home.  

Today he's feeling better and has finally opened his eyes!! He's realising that he can see so much more and further then he could before - such BIG changes!  No glasses so far either :)  We will know what his prescription is when we go back to Brisbane next week for a check up.

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