Saturday, April 8, 2023

Easter Long Weekend - Day 1

Friday were up at 3am to hit the road to the GC for the 4 day Easter weekend! I thought Clay and I might nap on the car with such an early start, but we didn't.

Kristy organised a BBQ with our friend M's family and also her friend Chloe & kids.  We organised an egg hunt for the kids - there was chocolate eggs, decorated Easter biscuits, stamps, mini packs of lollies and egg shaped chalk.  Kristy made them each a loot bag - how cool are they?! 

The kids had an absolute ball running around looking for all the goodies! It started to rain just as the kids were collecting the last of the goodies.

We got all the kid's to hand over their loot and divided it evenly amongst the kids so no one missed out.

We moved the BBQ inside (fish & chicken cooked on the stove).  The kids had their lunch, then the adults enjoyed our meal while the kids played together.  Lots of chatting/ catching up.  Chloe and the boys left, then Clay and E decorated their biscuits and played some more while we all caught up.

We took our usual group photos, then crashed on the lounge.  At 4.00pm Clay and I were really sleepy, so headed to the bed for a nap.  I slept for about 1.5 hrs. Clay was so exhausted- we tried to wake him up twice but he was just sleepy we left him...he didn't have dinner (good thing he had a huge lunch) and woke up just before 7am the next day!!! 

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