Monday, June 10, 2024

Everyday Moments

Messy layouts means messy hands - especially when the nozzle of the spray bottle is clogged LOL

Craig surprised me with a HP lego set - the Knight Bus!!  

Spikey is living her best best life :)

Clay's friend Landon slept over again last - they watched a movie, played on the Switch, played board games and rode the quadbike - they had lots of fun!

Craig hung up my latest creations in my scraproom  - I'm getting a collection on display.

Beautiful pink sky after work one night - pictures don't do it justice.

While visiting dad at the hospital on Saturday, Craig and Clay saw the Life Flight land from the window. When they left - it was still there and while they were having a look at it the pilot asked Clay if he would like a closer look.  Of course he said yes and climbed up :)

Clay worked on a canvas for Poppy - I love that he asks to make art and creates it all by himself. 

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