Monday, August 5, 2024

3D Printer

I had FOMO cause everyone at work had a 3D printer, so when Nat brought hers and set it up and showed me how easy they were to use I decided to buy one.  I brought the same one as Nat (and it was on sale still - winning), she even picked it up and set it up for me!  We had a quick tutorial and I printed a cat from the USB stick that comes with it.

I currently have it set up on the end of the kitchen table, but once I buy a table I'll set it up in the front area of the lounge room. My tutorial with Nat was a bit too quick, so we had a video call yesterday morning and she helped me work out a few steps and I got to printing!

I let Clay pick the designs cause I brought green folament for him - a Pokemon character phone holder and a game controller keyring.

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