Sunday, June 9, 2019

Brisbane - Day 2

We were up early and headed to the hospital for Clay's 8am appointment.  He saw two different doctors and had a few tests.  The doctor confirmed the original diagnosis of Stickler Syndrome (no surprise there), but then gave us some news... We will meed to see a geneticist to follow up on diagnosis. Clay has a cataract forming on him "good" eye and his eyes are worse than first thought, so needs to get a stronger prescription.  Clay will need to see a retinal specialist to have more investigation of his retinas  and may need a proceedure to reduce the risk of retina detachment.  He will also need to see a cardiologist as the syndrome has risks of heart issues.  We have to head back for more tests in 4 m9nths time.  Craig and I were overwhelmed and a bit upset with all the news, but our little man was a rock star for the 3hrs we were there.

After we finished at the hospital  we headed to North Lakes shopping centre to catch up with Kristy, Bethany and Jack.  A hug and debrief of the hospital visit, was just what we needed.   We had lunch, then hit the shops for a quick look, including a dash through IKEA :)

We can't go to Brisbane without buying Krospy Keene donuts ;)

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