Saturday, August 31, 2019

Everyday Moments

Craig and Clay headed to the beach for a picnic and play after swimming lessons a few weeks ago - lots of fun and perfect weather!  Won't be long and it will be awarm enough for us to be able to swim.

Clay posing for the camera - so cheeky!

We were doing a primary colours activity for HIPPY and Clay decided he wanted to paint a bit more, so we headed outside to spend the morning creating:)

I brought a hair dye and stocked up on some new make up ready for the cruise.

I was surprised to find one of my new little succelents in full bloom - so pretty!

Clay and his cousin BP - we don't get to spend any time with her, so it's nice to be able to catch up quickly when we spot her :)

Clay's kindy had a Father's Day afternoon on Wednesday- they sang some songs, had a sausage sizzle and did some activities.  Clay was so excited that both Craig and Poppy were there :)

Cruise countdown ... 17 sleeps!

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