Sunday, January 3, 2021

Holiday Fun

We've been busy these holidays - lots of swimming.

Building different lego sets Clay got for Christmas.

Kate and I took the boys to Chipmunks indoor play centre and then sushi one day.

We met up with Katie one afternoon at the beach so Clay and Jack could ride their scooters.

Some rainy day painting.

I broughr Craig a telescope and a phone attachement (to take photos), so we have been checking out the night sky :)

And more swimming...

Today we went on search of the pirate ship "Notorious" that is in port - we missed it yesterday as it was sailing to a new anchor point.  We went to the marina to see, but it wasn't there, so decided to drive along the river to see if we could spot it...and we finally did!  Once it docks at the marina next week and is open for tours, we will go have a closer look :)

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