Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Everyday Moments

Clay got a free pggy biscuit kit at Baconfest - an arrowroot biscuit, scoop of icing in a tub, marshmallow and 2 choc chips - all in a bag!  Really clever idea!  

A beautiful sunset!

I've packaged up a basket full of cards and I'm taking them to work to sell.

Clay decided he wanted to make a robot costume - so he drew up the design, then we headed out to buy some supplies and find some boxes.  With a little help from mummy, he's made the body so far :)

Friday was a student free day, so Craig and Clay had a day out together.  They had gelato, lunch out and ran a few errands, before chilling out at home. 

Saturday morning play date plans  with Lindalee,  Josh & Jax changed due to rainy weather, so we met up at the sports club so the kids could play on the kid's room & undercover playground and the adults could catch up over a coffee :)

Clay REFUSED to ride his bike after we took off the training wheels last year, no amount of pleading or bribing would make him change his mind...then last weekend he decides he wanted to ride his bike!  He spent everyday after school learning how to balance, then Friday Craig and Clay spent the day practicing...and he was off peddling up and down the footpath at top speed!! Saturday afternoon they surprised me by showing that Clay could actually peddle now - look at that proud & happy face :)

We went out for dinner for a work get together- it was wonderful to socialise with them.  Craig got to meet everyone and Clay had a ball playing with all the kids there!  Our branch manager brought myself and the 2 admin ladies a bunch of flowers as a thank you - how thoughtful!

Cruise countdown ... 44 days!

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