Thursday, June 24, 2021

ENT Surgery

Clay had another round of surgery today- this time it was tonsils and adenoids out and grommets in.  Luckily we got the surgery done here in Bundaberg, so we didn't have to travel.  It was day surgery, so we went in just after 10am.  They had a heap of knitted teddies that the kids got to pick one if they wanted- what a thoughtful idea! Clay decided that Craig was going to go with him while he was put under.  Wasn't long before Craig was in the scrubs gear and they were going off!

Craig was instructed to wait outside the operating theatre and afterwards the surgeon came out to say that the operation was a total success and that his tonsils and adenoids were huge, so adenoids went too (weren't sure about them until he went under). After he woke up in recovery Craig and I swapped over and I sat with Clay while he slept for a bit more (still cuddling his teddy).

Once he woke up fully we went into the recovery lounge where he had a bit of sandwich and some ice cream.  The surgeon came around and checked all the kids and we just had to wait till 5pm and Clay was discharged and we headed home.

He's a bit emotional and sore, but quite settled at the moment.

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