Saturday, April 2, 2022

Clay's 7th Birthday

Clay turned 7 today! How did that happen!?!? It feels like just yesterday he was a baby!  We started off with birthday presents and then pancakes for breakfast.  He loved all the presents we chose for him :)

Clay had requested a bowling and laser tag party this year :) He had "the best birthday party ever!" LOL  

The kids had a game of ten pin bowling, then got to go for a behind the scenes tour.

Lunch wasn't ready, so the kids got to play on the play area for about 20 mins.

After lunch they got to spend their arcade tokens.

Then it was time for a game of laser tag - they were all super excited about that :)

Then it was time for cake!  We didn't make Clay's cake this year - he asked for a rainbow cake (like the one his cousin had for her birthday), so we just added some decorations.

Nanny, Ma Ma and Poppy came over for the afternoon - more presents and another cake!

Nuggets and chips was the birthday boy's dinner request and he was so exhausted that he went to bed by 8pm - happy with his special birthday :)

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