Saturday Craig and I went to see "Old Dogs" - it is a hilarious movie! After that we went out to dinner at the Italian restaurant for a delicious meal. Craig ordered the "Death by chocolate" for dessert. It was like a trifle - chocolate sponge, chocolate mousse, profiterole and ganace- looked a bit disgusting, but Craig said it was delicious!!
Monday was the start of "Bush Week" at work - it kicked off with a dress up day. Check out Craig dressed as Ned Kelly! LOL The blue guns are silly string guns. Craig had 4 extra cans - there was silly string everywhere!! He's such a big kid! LOL
We had a wonderful Australia Day at Miara. Both of our mums, Craig & I spent the day fishing, relaxing and hving a picnic. I spent 1 hr out in the boat and managed to get an awful sunburn (should have re-applied more sunscreen before I went)- bright pink legs are not a good look :( We caught 30 mudcrabs!! Unfortunately they were either females or undersized, so no fresh crab for dinner :( We also had the same bad luck with fishing - all undersized. It was still a fantastic day. I did take my camera, but didn't take any pictures.
Shandell that card is beautiful and I bet your Gran appreciated it.
My Craig and Nick went to Miara before Christmas and like you pulled up heaps of mudcrabs (110) but only ended up with 7 keepers. Hopefully everyone is as honest as us so that there should be some good size crabs in the next 6mths.
Love the card Shandell, those flowers are beautiful, I am sure your Gran would have appreciated it.
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